
Rayfield, B†. C. B. Baines†, L. J. Gilarranz†, and A. Gonzalez. Spread of networked populations is determined by the interplay between dispersal behavior and habitat configuration. Accepted at PNAS. † indicates co-first authors.

Baines, C. B., J. M. J. Travis, S. J. McCauley, and G. Bocedi. Negative density-dependent dispersal emerges from the joint evolution of density- and body condition-dependent dispersal strategies. Evolution. 74: 2238-2249. link

Baines, C. B., S. Diab, and S. J. McCauley. 2020. Parasitism risk and parasite infection alter host dispersal. The American Naturalist. 196: 119-131. link

Baines, C. B., I. M. C. Ferzoco, and S. J. McCauley. 2019. Phenotype-by-environment interactions influence dispersal. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 1263– 1274. link

Ferzoco, I. M., C. B. Baines, and S. J. McCauley. 2019. Co-occurring Notonecta (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) species differ in their behavioral response to cues of predation risk. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 112: 402–408. link

Baines, C. B., and S. J. McCauley. 2018. Natal habitat conditions have carryover effects on dispersal capacity and behavior. Ecosphere. 9(10): e02465. PDF

Baines, C. B., I. M. Ferzoco, and S. J. McCauley. 2017. Sex biased dispersal is independent of sex ratio in a semi-aquatic insect. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 71: 119. link

Baines, C. B., S. J. McCauley, and L. Rowe. 2015. Dispersal depends on body condition and predation risk in the semi-aquatic insect, Notonecta undulata. Ecology and Evolution. ece3.1508. PDF

Baines, C. B., S. J. McCauley, and L. Rowe. 2014. The interactive effects of competition and predation risk on dispersal in an insect. Biology Letters. 10: 20140287. link